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Hi beautiful!

Welcome to Vibe High Soul School! I am so thrilled that you landed here. 

Imagine going to sleep and waking up the next morning
connected to all the resources you need to share your passion at a larger scale
without paralyzing thoughts running through your mind. 

Or waking up with instant access to a grounding morning ritual,
quick guided meditations and support from your own spiritual coach.  

And instead of googling "how-to's" and scrolling on instagram for inspiration,
you finally feel clear on your career, excited about your love life and confident in your skin. 

Now is your time to become the boss of your own life. 

Because if you don't, no one else will. And you're done being stuck. 

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How does this whole thing work? 

Vibe High Soul School is a MONTHLY membership for your soul. Each month you receive access to a LIVE Masterclass with Tori PLUS an intuitive toolkit to support you in discovering all of your soul's power, purpose and presence. 

This is a one-stop shop for you bridge the
gap between practical and spiritual.


Trynna heal on a budget? 🙋 No problem.
Join us inside for two green juices a month. 

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Membership Options


What is the structure of the membership? 

On the 5th of every month you'll receive access to your monthly intuitive toolkit. All of your goods will be held on a private website for you to access anytime, FO' LIFE. Inside your private portal will be a guided meditations, card readings, a video lesson, resource library, astrology reports, weekly journal prompts and interactive workbook & more!

On the 15th of the month, you're invited to join Tori for a live masterclass where she'll teach on the spiritual theme chosen for that month. This is where it gets good! You can ask questions, interact with other members and receive 1:1 guidance. 

What if I'm traveling a lot that month? 

Zero worries. Your monthly toolbox is entirely self-paced and you have access to me along the way as you go. This membership is all about teaching you how to maintain a high vibration consistently whether you are traveling, grounded at home or going through a big change. Life is all about flow so the tools I give you are meant to support your schedule/current routine. 

What if I can't make the Live Masterclass? 

The class will be recorded and added to your monthly portal where you can access anytime. 

What types of topics do you have planned for the membership?

In Vibe High Soul School we are GOING FOR IT. You'll learn how to raise your vibration and stay there, master the art of journaling, meditation, crystal healing, moon ceremonies, daily rituals, sacred space, female empowerment, law of attraction, manifestation, goal setting, mindset hacks & MORE! 

Could I just find this information for free online?

Let me save you hours of time. One of the reasons I created this membership is because there is SO MUCH incorrect and outdated information online about how to "quick fix" yourself and your life. 

I mean... do you want to keep trying quick fixes and going back to your same old routines that don't work anymore...or do you want to invest in yourself AND a membership that has proven results from tons of other women? 

Think about the time you’d save by not having to dig through old blog posts, instagram and implement vague "3-step to happiness guides" just to *maybe* find something that kinda works for like a month.

Vibe High Soul School takes you on a curated journey of creating a spiritual practice of your own understanding. It' time to step into your purpose, for real. No time wasted and no outdated bullshit. 

6. What if I'm brand new to this whole spiritual thing? 

What a great way to start your spiritual journey! So many of us spend the first few years stumbling through and taking shots in the dark and hoping something will magically change within us. 

By starting out with Vibe High Soul School, you’re likely to learn more about who you are and grow faster than you would otherwise on your own. 

Yeah, it might take a few weeks or months longer to lay the groundwork, but you’ve gotta do that anyway, right? Might as well take the ride with your own spirit guide, girl. I'm excited to welcome you! 

I have a hard time spending money on myself and this feels like a big commitment to me. Is it really worth it?

I purposely priced this so that it can be accessible to ALL women ready to embark on a spiritual journey. But, I'll let one of the members, Jewell answer that for you.. 

I committed to Tori’s program because I knew she’d be the one to help me move towards a fulfilling life complete with joy and purpose.  I wasn’t prepared for how fast the shift would occur but as the weeks went on Tori helped me to realize that everything unfolds in divine timing. Through meditation, journaling, insightful book suggestions and card readings, Tori helped me to tap into the darkness inside of me that was holding me back from flourishing as my best, highest self. 

Within weeks of active manifesting the trajectory of my life did a complete 180!  Tori helped me to realize that I’m a “manifesting Queen” and can truly co-create my reality with the Universe.

- Jewell S

Ready to sign up? Click here to enroll in Vibe High Soul School and receive all you need to step into your purpose. 

The idea of a membership freaks me out, what if I need to cancel? 

Super easy, just email info@toriwashington.com and you can cancel anytime. 

I have so much going on, I don't think I'll be able to get to all of this... 

Me too, love! That's why I'm your girl. Think about it this way... you are the one where time comes from. You can make as much of it as you want.

We are conditioned to assume that there's a scarcity of time. This leads to an uncomfortable feeling that we are always running out or losing time.

But I'm here to teach you that you are much more powerful than that. If you feel you don't have the time, sign up and I'll show you how to create MORE time than you've ever imagined. Soul School was meant for you to master these practices, not waste your time.


Curious what it's like working with Tori? Read more testimonials HERE

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So pumped to have you join us, love.

See you on the inside!


Check out what the other members are saying:

"Whether you are familiar with this profound self exploration or just getting to know your true self, Tori does an excellent job accommodating all women by meeting you where you are on the path. Her passion, confidence, and knowledge shine through every interaction, and her intuitive advice is a true gift. I feel so blessed to have an abundance of support and encouragement as I add and refine new practices(or resources) to my toolbox in order to create a more fulfilling and joyful life!" - Heather N.

"Tori equips you with sacred tools designed to clear space for abundance and light to flood into your life! I’m beyond grateful for the wisdom and support that primed me to fully cherish the holiday season and to take on 2018 simultaneously feeling grounded and expansive!!!" - Kazmira H

"Joining this program has been the best thing I've done for myself. - Adriane C.

"I now move from a place of love and compassion for myself and others and this has truly opened me up to a state of being that I never thought possible. I trust my intuition and myself and know, truly know that all things are working together for my good. It’s beyond powerful to have continuous dialogue between my old self and my new self and to consciously make the choice to align with my new self and reach for my highest vibration. Without Tori, the journey to get here would have taken much longer; she definitely helped to accelerate my progress." - Jewell S.