Hi beautiful!

You are officially IN for the Vibrate Higher Soul School!!! I am so stoked you took the step to meet me on this journey and I promise you a fulfilling, vibrant experience throughout 2018! 

You will receive an e-mail from me with your monthly spiritual toolkit every 5th of the month. Our live masterclass will be held mid-month once you've moved through some of the material. 

In the meantime, you're invited to join the Vibe High Soul Tribe on facebook where you can connect with like-minded souls on a similar path + ask me any questions along the way! 

If you're not into Facebook, the Vibe High Soul Tribe's instagram will be filling up with weekly content and inspiration for you! 

Any questions, just send me an e-mail. I'll reply directly - info@toriwashington.com.  

All love, 
